POETICS Project at ECOC2024

The POETICS project participated in ECOC 2024, which was held in Frankfurt, from 22-26 September 2024. More specifically, Efstathios Andrianopoulos from ICCS-PCRL, gave a talk titled “A Packaged 1.6 Tb/s O-band Optical Transceiver Based on the Hybrid Integration of SiGe Electronics and InP-Polymer Photonics.” This presentation was part of the “Novel Opportunities for Integrated Photonics […]
POETICS final review meeting

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of the POETICS project! Partners gathered together for the final review meeting on February 15, 2024. The meeting took place online and we were enthusiastic about having a fruitful discussion about our exciting results. Thank you to all our colleagues for this amazing journey!
POETICS project partner PHIX at SPIE PhotonicsWest 2024

Meet our project partner PHIX, at SPIE #PhotonicsWest 2024 in San Francisco and discover how we can advance your #optoelectronics manufacturing with integrated #photonics packaging in scalable volumes. They will be at booth 5304 in the Holland High Tech pavilion. Click to read more đź”— https://www.phix.com/event/spie-photonics-west/
POETICS 16×16 Benes Optical switch module is under testing!

As part of the POETICS Project, this 16×16 Benes Optical switch module based on 3D PolyBoard, assembled by our partner PHIX and is currently under testing at PCRL lab by ICCS and Optagon. Stay tuned!
9th POETICS Plenary meeting

The 9th POETICS plenary meeting took place remotely on December 4, 2023. All partners met and discussed the final actions towards the completion of the project.
POETICS 1.6 Tb/s optical transceiver module assembled by PHIX

PHIX assembled another 1.6 Tb/s optical transceiver module as part of the POETICS Project, this time incorporating flexible RF electrical transmission lines developed by Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute HHI. These FlexLines offer superior impedance matching and shielding capabilities over traditional wire bonds and PHIX demonstrated a flip chip process for attaching them between photonic and […]